Course curriculum

Starter Course in Visual Display & VM (subtitle option available)

  1. 1

    • WELCOME!...An Introduction to 'Display' or 'Visual Merchandising' - what is it all about and WHY is it so important?

  2. 2
    • MESSAGE...You know who you are and what you do - but do your customers? You need to get your message across in an instant!

  3. 3
    • LOCATION...So where IS your business? Do you have a high profile or are you tucked away? And are there opportunities for you to engage with your customers you hadn't considered until now?

  4. 4
    • KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER...You may have just one customer type, you may have several. How do you please them all?

  5. 5
    • INSPIRATION...How do you come up with something new time after time? Where do you find fresh ideas?

  6. 6
    • BASIC DISPLAY RULES...So now you have everything planned and set to go, just HOW do you go about building that display? Here are those precious golden rules which apply for almost everything!

  7. 7
    • HOUSEKEEPING...You've completed your display but it doesn't stop there! Find out why...

  8. 8
    • A FEW EXTRA TIPS...for basic Merchandising as well as a quick look at digital...